There’s a stork in my room. It’s not really my room, nor even our room. In fact it’s more the stork’s room than mine or anyone else’s. The stork stands tall, top heavy but somehow sturdy as an oak. Maybe the strength and oak connections come from the stork’s age, which may as well be ancient. The worst part is the stork keeps squawking at us. I think, even if I was listening I wouldn’t get anything. It just squawks and squawks and never stops. It has to know no one’s listening. If it doesn’t know, then it really is a stork.
In 17 weeks I’ll spend 51 hours in the company of this particular stork, watching it pace across the front of the room and hearing it squawk. Why? I’m actually paying for this, which could be a problem in itself. But what’s the most immediate cause of my sitting in the company of the stork? I really don’t know except to say it’s what’s expected of me. In 51 hours I could watch Entourage all the way through once, watch the movie, and still have some time left over. I could watch approximately 25 soccer matches or 20 some feature length films. At a pace of 50, 250 word pages an hour, I could read The Godfather (my favorite book) 5 times and still have time to watch at least Parts I and II of the Coppola film version. However, instead of watching Entourage, soccer, movies, and or reading, I’ll spend 51 hours of my life with a stork squawking at me. If this is education, take me to a zoo, let me visit the monkey cage and learn from somebody intelligent.
In 17 weeks I’ll spend 51 hours in the company of this particular stork, watching it pace across the front of the room and hearing it squawk. Why? I’m actually paying for this, which could be a problem in itself. But what’s the most immediate cause of my sitting in the company of the stork? I really don’t know except to say it’s what’s expected of me. In 51 hours I could watch Entourage all the way through once, watch the movie, and still have some time left over. I could watch approximately 25 soccer matches or 20 some feature length films. At a pace of 50, 250 word pages an hour, I could read The Godfather (my favorite book) 5 times and still have time to watch at least Parts I and II of the Coppola film version. However, instead of watching Entourage, soccer, movies, and or reading, I’ll spend 51 hours of my life with a stork squawking at me. If this is education, take me to a zoo, let me visit the monkey cage and learn from somebody intelligent.